imxrt_ral/blocks/imxrt1011/[doc = "USB"]
pub struct RegisterBlock {
_reserved0: [u8; 0x0800],
#[doc = "USB OTG1 Control Register"]
pub USB_OTG1_CTRL: crate::RWRegister<u32>,
_reserved1: [u8; 0x14],
#[doc = "OTG1 UTMI PHY Control 0 Register"]
pub USB_OTG1_PHY_CTRL_0: crate::RWRegister<u32>,
#[doc = "USB OTG1 Control Register"]
pub mod USB_OTG1_CTRL {
#[doc = "Disable OTG1 Overcurrent Detection"]
pub mod OVER_CUR_DIS {
pub const offset: u32 = 7;
pub const mask: u32 = 0x01 << offset;
pub mod R {}
pub mod W {}
pub mod RW {
#[doc = "Enables overcurrent detection"]
pub const OVER_CUR_DIS_0: u32 = 0;
#[doc = "Disables overcurrent detection"]
pub const OVER_CUR_DIS_1: u32 = 0x01;
#[doc = "OTG1 Polarity of Overcurrent The polarity of OTG1 port overcurrent event"]
pub mod OVER_CUR_POL {
pub const offset: u32 = 8;
pub const mask: u32 = 0x01 << offset;
pub mod R {}
pub mod W {}
pub mod RW {
#[doc = "High active (high on this signal represents an overcurrent condition)"]
pub const OVER_CUR_POL_0: u32 = 0;
#[doc = "Low active (low on this signal represents an overcurrent condition)"]
pub const OVER_CUR_POL_1: u32 = 0x01;
#[doc = "OTG1 Power Polarity This bit should be set according to PMIC Power Pin polarity."]
pub mod PWR_POL {
pub const offset: u32 = 9;
pub const mask: u32 = 0x01 << offset;
pub mod R {}
pub mod W {}
pub mod RW {
#[doc = "PMIC Power Pin is Low active."]
pub const PWR_POL_0: u32 = 0;
#[doc = "PMIC Power Pin is High active."]
pub const PWR_POL_1: u32 = 0x01;
#[doc = "OTG1 Wake-up Interrupt Enable This bit enables or disables the OTG1 wake-up interrupt"]
pub mod WIE {
pub const offset: u32 = 10;
pub const mask: u32 = 0x01 << offset;
pub mod R {}
pub mod W {}
pub mod RW {
#[doc = "Interrupt Disabled"]
pub const WIE_0: u32 = 0;
#[doc = "Interrupt Enabled"]
pub const WIE_1: u32 = 0x01;
#[doc = "OTG1 Software Wake-up Enable"]
pub mod WKUP_SW_EN {
pub const offset: u32 = 14;
pub const mask: u32 = 0x01 << offset;
pub mod R {}
pub mod W {}
pub mod RW {
#[doc = "Disable"]
pub const WKUP_SW_EN_0: u32 = 0;
#[doc = "Enable"]
pub const WKUP_SW_EN_1: u32 = 0x01;
#[doc = "OTG1 Software Wake-up"]
pub mod WKUP_SW {
pub const offset: u32 = 15;
pub const mask: u32 = 0x01 << offset;
pub mod R {}
pub mod W {}
pub mod RW {
#[doc = "Inactive"]
pub const WKUP_SW_0: u32 = 0;
#[doc = "Force wake-up"]
pub const WKUP_SW_1: u32 = 0x01;
#[doc = "OTG1 Wake-up on ID change enable"]
pub mod WKUP_ID_EN {
pub const offset: u32 = 16;
pub const mask: u32 = 0x01 << offset;
pub mod R {}
pub mod W {}
pub mod RW {
#[doc = "Disable"]
pub const WKUP_ID_EN_0: u32 = 0;
#[doc = "Enable"]
pub const WKUP_ID_EN_1: u32 = 0x01;
#[doc = "OTG1 wake-up on VBUS change enable"]
pub mod WKUP_VBUS_EN {
pub const offset: u32 = 17;
pub const mask: u32 = 0x01 << offset;
pub mod R {}
pub mod W {}
pub mod RW {
#[doc = "Disable"]
pub const WKUP_VBUS_EN_0: u32 = 0;
#[doc = "Enable"]
pub const WKUP_VBUS_EN_1: u32 = 0x01;
#[doc = "Wake-up on DPDM change enable"]
pub mod WKUP_DPDM_EN {
pub const offset: u32 = 29;
pub const mask: u32 = 0x01 << offset;
pub mod R {}
pub mod W {}
pub mod RW {
#[doc = "DPDM changes wake-up to be disabled only when VBUS is 0."]
pub const WKUP_DPDM_EN_0: u32 = 0;
#[doc = "(Default) DPDM changes wake-up to be enabled, it is for device only."]
pub const WKUP_DPDM_EN_1: u32 = 0x01;
#[doc = "OTG1 Wake-up Interrupt Request This bit indicates that a wake-up interrupt request is received on the OTG1 port"]
pub mod WIR {
pub const offset: u32 = 31;
pub const mask: u32 = 0x01 << offset;
pub mod R {}
pub mod W {}
pub mod RW {
#[doc = "No wake-up interrupt request received"]
pub const WIR_0: u32 = 0;
#[doc = "Wake-up Interrupt Request received"]
pub const WIR_1: u32 = 0x01;
#[doc = "OTG1 UTMI PHY Control 0 Register"]
pub mod USB_OTG1_PHY_CTRL_0 {
#[doc = "Indicating whether OTG1 UTMI PHY clock is valid"]
pub mod UTMI_CLK_VLD {
pub const offset: u32 = 31;
pub const mask: u32 = 0x01 << offset;
pub mod R {}
pub mod W {}
pub mod RW {
#[doc = "Invalid"]
pub const UTMI_CLK_VLD_0: u32 = 0;
#[doc = "Valid"]
pub const UTMI_CLK_VLD_1: u32 = 0x01;