Arm alarm 0, and configure the time it will fire.
Once armed, the alarm fires when TIMER_ALARM0 == TIMELR.
The alarm will disarm itself once it fires, and can
be disarmed early using the ARMED status register.
Arm alarm 1, and configure the time it will fire.
Once armed, the alarm fires when TIMER_ALARM1 == TIMELR.
The alarm will disarm itself once it fires, and can
be disarmed early using the ARMED status register.
Arm alarm 2, and configure the time it will fire.
Once armed, the alarm fires when TIMER_ALARM2 == TIMELR.
The alarm will disarm itself once it fires, and can
be disarmed early using the ARMED status register.
Arm alarm 3, and configure the time it will fire.
Once armed, the alarm fires when TIMER_ALARM3 == TIMELR.
The alarm will disarm itself once it fires, and can
be disarmed early using the ARMED status register.
Indicates the armed/disarmed status of each alarm.
A write to the corresponding ALARMx register arms the alarm.
Alarms automatically disarm upon firing, but writing ones here
will disarm immediately without waiting to fire.
Set bits high to enable pause when the corresponding debug ports are active
Interrupt Enable
Interrupt Force
Raw Interrupts
Interrupt status after masking & forcing
Set high to pause the timer
Read from bits 63:32 of time
always read timelr before timehr
Write to bits 63:32 of time
always write timelw before timehw
Read from bits 31:0 of time
Write to bits 31:0 of time
writes do not get copied to time until timehw is written
Raw read from bits 63:32 of time (no side effects)
Raw read from bits 31:0 of time (no side effects)
ALARM0 (rw) register accessor: Arm alarm 0, and configure the time it will fire.
Once armed, the alarm fires when TIMER_ALARM0 == TIMELR.
The alarm will disarm itself once it fires, and can
be disarmed early using the ARMED status register.
ALARM1 (rw) register accessor: Arm alarm 1, and configure the time it will fire.
Once armed, the alarm fires when TIMER_ALARM1 == TIMELR.
The alarm will disarm itself once it fires, and can
be disarmed early using the ARMED status register.
ALARM2 (rw) register accessor: Arm alarm 2, and configure the time it will fire.
Once armed, the alarm fires when TIMER_ALARM2 == TIMELR.
The alarm will disarm itself once it fires, and can
be disarmed early using the ARMED status register.
ALARM3 (rw) register accessor: Arm alarm 3, and configure the time it will fire.
Once armed, the alarm fires when TIMER_ALARM3 == TIMELR.
The alarm will disarm itself once it fires, and can
be disarmed early using the ARMED status register.
ARMED (rw) register accessor: Indicates the armed/disarmed status of each alarm.
A write to the corresponding ALARMx register arms the alarm.
Alarms automatically disarm upon firing, but writing ones here
will disarm immediately without waiting to fire.
DBGPAUSE (rw) register accessor: Set bits high to enable pause when the corresponding debug ports are active
INTE (rw) register accessor: Interrupt Enable
INTF (rw) register accessor: Interrupt Force
INTR (rw) register accessor: Raw Interrupts
INTS (r) register accessor: Interrupt status after masking & forcing
PAUSE (rw) register accessor: Set high to pause the timer
TIMEHR (r) register accessor: Read from bits 63:32 of time
always read timelr before timehr
TIMEHW (w) register accessor: Write to bits 63:32 of time
always write timelw before timehw
TIMELR (r) register accessor: Read from bits 31:0 of time
TIMELW (w) register accessor: Write to bits 31:0 of time
writes do not get copied to time until timehw is written
TIMERAWH (r) register accessor: Raw read from bits 63:32 of time (no side effects)
TIMERAWL (r) register accessor: Raw read from bits 31:0 of time (no side effects)