Type Alias rp2040_pac::sio::interp0_ctrl_lane0::W

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pub type W = W<INTERP0_CTRL_LANE0_SPEC>;
Expand description

Register INTERP0_CTRL_LANE0 writer

Aliased Type§

struct W { /* private fields */ }



impl W


pub fn shift(&mut self) -> SHIFT_W<'_, INTERP0_CTRL_LANE0_SPEC>

Bits 0:4 - Logical right-shift applied to accumulator before masking


pub fn mask_lsb(&mut self) -> MASK_LSB_W<'_, INTERP0_CTRL_LANE0_SPEC>

Bits 5:9 - The least-significant bit allowed to pass by the mask (inclusive)


pub fn mask_msb(&mut self) -> MASK_MSB_W<'_, INTERP0_CTRL_LANE0_SPEC>

Bits 10:14 - The most-significant bit allowed to pass by the mask (inclusive)
Setting MSB < LSB may cause chip to turn inside-out


pub fn signed(&mut self) -> SIGNED_W<'_, INTERP0_CTRL_LANE0_SPEC>

Bit 15 - If SIGNED is set, the shifted and masked accumulator value is sign-extended to 32 bits
before adding to BASE0, and LANE0 PEEK/POP appear extended to 32 bits when read by processor.


pub fn cross_input(&mut self) -> CROSS_INPUT_W<'_, INTERP0_CTRL_LANE0_SPEC>

Bit 16 - If 1, feed the opposite lane’s accumulator into this lane’s shift + mask hardware.
Takes effect even if ADD_RAW is set (the CROSS_INPUT mux is before the shift+mask bypass)


pub fn cross_result(&mut self) -> CROSS_RESULT_W<'_, INTERP0_CTRL_LANE0_SPEC>

Bit 17 - If 1, feed the opposite lane’s result into this lane’s accumulator on POP.


pub fn add_raw(&mut self) -> ADD_RAW_W<'_, INTERP0_CTRL_LANE0_SPEC>

Bit 18 - If 1, mask + shift is bypassed for LANE0 result. This does not affect FULL result.


pub fn force_msb(&mut self) -> FORCE_MSB_W<'_, INTERP0_CTRL_LANE0_SPEC>

Bits 19:20 - ORed into bits 29:28 of the lane result presented to the processor on the bus.
No effect on the internal 32-bit datapath. Handy for using a lane to generate sequence
of pointers into flash or SRAM.


pub fn blend(&mut self) -> BLEND_W<'_, INTERP0_CTRL_LANE0_SPEC>

Bit 21 - Only present on INTERP0 on each core. If BLEND mode is enabled:

  • LANE1 result is a linear interpolation between BASE0 and BASE1, controlled
    by the 8 LSBs of lane 1 shift and mask value (a fractional number between
    0 and 255/256ths)
  • LANE0 result does not have BASE0 added (yields only the 8 LSBs of lane 1 shift+mask value)
  • FULL result does not have lane 1 shift+mask value added (BASE2 + lane 0 shift+mask)
    LANE1 SIGNED flag controls whether the interpolation is signed or unsigned.

pub unsafe fn bits(&mut self, bits: u32) -> &mut Self

Writes raw bits to the register.


Passing incorrect value can cause undefined behaviour. See reference manual