Type Alias nrf52840_pac::usbd::dpdmvalue::STATE_W

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pub type STATE_W<'a, const O: u8> = FieldWriter<'a, u32, DPDMVALUE_SPEC, u8, STATE_A, 5, O>;
Expand description

Field STATE writer - State D+ and D- lines will be forced into by the DPDMDRIVE task

Aliased Type§

struct STATE_W<'a, const O: u8> { /* private fields */ }



impl<'a, const O: u8> STATE_W<'a, O>


pub fn resume(self) -> &'a mut W

D+ forced low, D- forced high (K state) for a timing preset in hardware (50 us or 5 ms, depending on bus state)


pub fn j(self) -> &'a mut W

D+ forced high, D- forced low (J state)


pub fn k(self) -> &'a mut W

D+ forced low, D- forced high (K state)