
Type Alias SYST_RVR

pub type SYST_RVR = Reg<SYST_RVR_SPEC>;
Expand description

SYST_RVR (rw) register accessor: Use the SysTick Reload Value Register to specify the start value to load into the current value register when the counter reaches 0. It can be any value between 0 and 0x00FFFFFF. A start value of 0 is possible, but has no effect because the SysTick interrupt and COUNTFLAG are activated when counting from 1 to 0. The reset value of this register is UNKNOWN.
To generate a multi-shot timer with a period of N processor clock cycles, use a RELOAD value of N-1. For example, if the SysTick interrupt is required every 100 clock pulses, set RELOAD to 99.

You can read this register and get syst_rvr::R. You can reset, write, write_with_zero this register using syst_rvr::W. You can also modify this register. See API.

For information about available fields see syst_rvr module

Aliased Typeยง

struct SYST_RVR { /* private fields */ }