Type Alias nrf52840_pac::ccm::mode::LENGTH_W

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pub type LENGTH_W<'a, const O: u8> = BitWriter<'a, u32, MODE_SPEC, LENGTH_A, O>;
Expand description

Field LENGTH writer - Packet length configuration

Aliased Type§

struct LENGTH_W<'a, const O: u8> { /* private fields */ }



impl<'a, const O: u8> LENGTH_W<'a, O>


pub fn default(self) -> &'a mut W

Default length. Effective length of LENGTH field in encrypted/decrypted packet is 5 bits. A key-stream for packet payloads up to 27 bytes will be generated.


pub fn extended(self) -> &'a mut W

Extended length. Effective length of LENGTH field in encrypted/decrypted packet is 8 bits. A key-stream for packet payloads up to MAXPACKETSIZE bytes will be generated.