
Module sie_status

Expand description

SIE status register



Type Aliases§

  • Field ACK_REC reader - ACK received. Raised by both host and device.
  • Field ACK_REC writer - ACK received. Raised by both host and device.
  • Field BIT_STUFF_ERROR reader - Bit Stuff Error. Raised by the Serial RX engine.
  • Field BIT_STUFF_ERROR writer - Bit Stuff Error. Raised by the Serial RX engine.
  • Field BUS_RESET reader - Device: bus reset received
  • Field BUS_RESET writer - Device: bus reset received
  • Field CONNECTED reader - Device: connected
  • Field CONNECTED writer - Device: connected
  • Field CRC_ERROR reader - CRC Error. Raised by the Serial RX engine.
  • Field CRC_ERROR writer - CRC Error. Raised by the Serial RX engine.
  • Field DATA_SEQ_ERROR reader - Data Sequence Error.
  • Field DATA_SEQ_ERROR writer - Data Sequence Error.
  • Field LINE_STATE reader - USB bus line state
  • Field NAK_REC reader - Host: NAK received
  • Field NAK_REC writer - Host: NAK received
  • Register SIE_STATUS reader
  • Field RESUME reader - Host: Device has initiated a remote resume. Device: host has initiated a resume.
  • Field RESUME writer - Host: Device has initiated a remote resume. Device: host has initiated a resume.
  • Field RX_OVERFLOW reader - RX overflow is raised by the Serial RX engine if the incoming data is too fast.
  • Field RX_OVERFLOW writer - RX overflow is raised by the Serial RX engine if the incoming data is too fast.
  • Field RX_TIMEOUT reader - RX timeout is raised by both the host and device if an ACK is not received in the maximum time specified by the USB spec.
  • Field RX_TIMEOUT writer - RX timeout is raised by both the host and device if an ACK is not received in the maximum time specified by the USB spec.
  • Field SETUP_REC reader - Device: Setup packet received
  • Field SETUP_REC writer - Device: Setup packet received
  • Field SPEED reader - Host: device speed. Disconnected = 00, LS = 01, FS = 10
  • Field SPEED writer - Host: device speed. Disconnected = 00, LS = 01, FS = 10
  • Field STALL_REC reader - Host: STALL received
  • Field STALL_REC writer - Host: STALL received
  • Field SUSPENDED reader - Bus in suspended state. Valid for device and host. Host and device will go into suspend if neither Keep Alive / SOF frames are enabled.
  • Field SUSPENDED writer - Bus in suspended state. Valid for device and host. Host and device will go into suspend if neither Keep Alive / SOF frames are enabled.
  • Field TRANS_COMPLETE reader - Transaction complete.
  • Field TRANS_COMPLETE writer - Transaction complete.
  • Field VBUS_DETECTED reader - Device: VBUS Detected
  • Field VBUS_OVER_CURR reader - VBUS over current detected
  • Register SIE_STATUS writer