
Type Alias SOD_W

pub type SOD_W<'a, REG> = BitWriter<'a, REG>;
Expand description

Field SOD writer - Slave-mode output disable. This bit is relevant only in the slave mode, MS=1. In multiple-slave systems, it is possible for an PrimeCell SSP master to broadcast a message to all slaves in the system while ensuring that only one slave drives data onto its serial output line. In such systems the RXD lines from multiple slaves could be tied together. To operate in such systems, the SOD bit can be set if the PrimeCell SSP slave is not supposed to drive the SSPTXD line: 0 SSP can drive the SSPTXD output in slave mode. 1 SSP must not drive the SSPTXD output in slave mode.

Aliased Typeยง

struct SOD_W<'a, REG> { /* private fields */ }