
Module ic_fs_scl_lcnt

Expand description

Fast Mode or Fast Mode Plus I2C Clock SCL Low Count Register


Type Aliases§

  • Field IC_FS_SCL_LCNT reader - This register must be set before any I2C bus transaction can take place to ensure proper I/O timing. This register sets the SCL clock low period count for fast speed. It is used in high-speed mode to send the Master Code and START BYTE or General CALL. For more information, refer to ‘IC_CLK Frequency Configuration’.
  • Field IC_FS_SCL_LCNT writer - This register must be set before any I2C bus transaction can take place to ensure proper I/O timing. This register sets the SCL clock low period count for fast speed. It is used in high-speed mode to send the Master Code and START BYTE or General CALL. For more information, refer to ‘IC_CLK Frequency Configuration’.
  • Register IC_FS_SCL_LCNT reader
  • Register IC_FS_SCL_LCNT writer