Inspecting generated code

#[rtic::app] is a procedural macro that produces support code. If for some reason you need to inspect the code generated by this macro you have two options:

You can inspect the file inside the target directory. This file contains the expansion of the #[rtic::app] item (not your whole program!) of the last built (via cargo build or cargo check) RTIC application. The expanded code is not pretty printed by default, so you'll want to run rustfmt on it before you read it.

$ cargo build --example foo

$ rustfmt target/

tail target/
#[doc = r" Implementation details"]
mod app {
    #[doc = r" Always include the device crate which contains the vector table"]
    use lm3s6965 as _;
    unsafe extern "C" fn main() -> ! {
        let mut core: rtic::export::Peripherals = core::mem::transmute(());
        core.SCB.scr.modify(|r| r | 1 << 1);
        loop {

Or, you can use the cargo-expand sub-command. This sub-command will expand all the macros, including the #[rtic::app] attribute, and modules in your crate and print the output to the console.

# produces the same output as before
cargo expand --example smallest | tail